Sunday, February 17, 2013

What a busy month we have had! Yet, I'm pretty sure I say that about EVERY month! =) 

Celebrating the 100th Day of School! I had some pretty old kids show up, but they were still as cute as could be! We shared our collections of 100 things, made necklaces of 100 fruit loops, made 100 day hats, and even celebrated a birthday (Mya turned 107!!!). It's hard to believe we are 100 Days smarter, 100 days older, and 100 days closer to being big 2nd Graders! 

As a reward for completing the Karate Nonsense program and all receiving their "Black Belts" in Nonsense Word Fluency, our class and Mrs. McMillan's class was treated to a presentation by Mr. Michael Bateman from Bateman Taekwondo. This was a wonderful experience for the kids. It may not be that big of a deal to some, but for a teacher to have 100% of their class benchmark on DIBELS testing is a HUGE deal! Great job guys!!! We'll be starting Reading Bootcamp in March, so watch for that soon! 

Last thing, Tristan Mulcahy earned 50 AR points this month. I have told the students that if they reach 50 AR points I will bring them a dessert of their choice! It's looking like I will be making a lot of bakery trips in the near future! As a class the students have done an AWESOME job this year. We have passed over 1,250 AR test and each child averages a little over 30 AR points each (which is great considering a 100 is only worth 1/2 point for our level books). 

Great Job Tristan!!! 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

It's been a while....

This is how I feel after the past month =)

Whew! We have survived the stretch between Thanksgiving and Christmas Break! I'm so sorry I have slacked on getting a post up, but you would not believe how crazy things get in our class those few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas! I'm not going to write much, I'm just going to let the pictures do the talking! I hope you all have enjoyed the first part of Christmas Break and enjoy next week as well! Looking forward to an AWESOME second half of the school year!

Thanksgiving Lunch
My precious Pilgrim Girls

My sweet Pilgrim Boys

Wild Little Indians

The entire crew ready to Feast! 

How blessed my students (and I) are to having such loving families that care to be involved in even the little things like a Thanksgiving Feast at school! 

Having Fun with Shapes
To learn about 3D shapes, we used our favorite thing - FOOD!
Cheese Cubes- Cube, Juice Box - Rectangular Prism, Tootsie Rolls - Cylinders, Bugles- Cone, and Trix - Spheres. 

Having a Little Christmas Around the World Fun
While this time can be very hectic, we do try to still learn about Christmas in other countries as much as possible! The pictures below show the kids making gingerbread men (Germany) and Christmas Trees (USA). We also watched the Grinch and had Hot Chocolate and Popcorn. Unfortunately, my camera died- but I did happen to catch Tylon snoozing within the first 5 minutes of the movie. =)

Last, but not least, the day we've all been waiting for since we got back from Thanksgiving- our Christmas Party!!! We started with giving our RAK gifts to the Ms. Naomi from the Adullam House. How thankful I am to have such giving parents and giving kids. I really feel that the RAK's that we've been doing this year are really impacting some of these young hearts and it makes me so very proud! The Christmas party was a blast, even though we missed Mya and JT! Thankfully I have some awesome parents (and grandparents) that stepped in to play the games. Even though I'm pretty sure they secretly enjoyed getting in on the action! 

I think I have caught up on everything now! I hope you have enjoyed these pictures as much as I enjoyed the actual time spent doing these things with your children and you! Enjoy the rest of the break and I look forward to 2013!

Mrs. Deem